This collage entitled Sanctuary I expresses my thoughts on shoreline, nature and the ubiquitous litter on our shores. Royston beach in Granton (Edinburgh) is the setting of this scene. My walk started with a feeling of joy, love, gratitude of beautiful scenery, reflection on good things and bad things in life. Nature is a powerful healer and brings positivity and strength in coping with our daily stresses. But then I noticed all the rubbish and my heart sank. What are we doing to our planet? What are we doing to our lives? How will our children children's cope? Our beaches are sanctuaries. We are all responsible. Will we have the power, and the love for our natural world, to restore nature? Only our love for this planet will make us come to our senses.
Love will save me
from scattering
my troubled soul
But how will we save
our lives ahead?
We do not see
the blindfold
that we share
that I share
Will we know?
How will I know?
This sanctuary
I see you
ahead we run
until we fall
Will love save us?
This collage is accompanied by a video poem. The images are framed by the soundtrack ‘Beacon’ produced by Edinburgh based musician and composer Harry Bongo. It captures my feeling of despair and sense of urgency. This video is my journey, the litter recorded in-situ and now framed for all of us to take notice. We need to take action, our future is at stake
Adrift (Royston Beach)
in collaboration with Ian Reddie
Royston Shore
Ian has been producing abstract landscapes incorporating sand and marble dust (a waste product from sculptures) for many years.
Gina re-imagines these landscapes, combining elements of everyday experiences, including found objects on shorelines, urban and country walks. Objects are re-imagined, get a new life, become disconnected from previous existence and narratives.
About the exhibition
The Recycl-Age Art exhibition was selected as part of this Coastal Knowledge project and is included in the 2021 Edinburgh Science festival, offering artists a unique opportunity to showcase their work. Recycl-Age Art 2021 includes painters, printmakers, collage artists, ceramicists, illustrators, photographers, textile artists, jewellers, composers, poets and makers. Many artworks incorporate recycled elements, indeed several are made of 100% recycled and repurposed materials. Some artists reflect on what recycling means to them, figuratively or conceptually.
Check the full programme here
Visit 9-11 July
between 11-6pm
Madelvic House
Granton Park Avenue