This project, potentially for art students, academics with
an arts practice would bring together a collection of artworks managed online
(via Google+) and redistributed via Google Glasses using the GPS and iBeacons.
The emphasis in on the multi-sensory: the viewer is
encouraged to walk the university campus, being offered a virtual art
experience that may also include architecture, music, poetry and literature.
The Talbot Rice, George Square Library, Edinburgh College of
Art, Reid Concert Hall, etc. would offer users the opportunity to showcase
virtually within a traditional gallery space, disseminating images and other
project information.
In addition, the urban campus may also be considered for
planning a virtual exhibition. Curators would be able to present a digital
portfolio using the side of the buildings, parks, facades, walls, fences and
other constructions such as billboards to showcase their work.
Users would be encouraged to offer feedback on the
experience via Twitter or a Facebook group.
Unfortunately the video has lost all the text overlay due to a technical feature that has now been removed.