The focus of this work is a bouquet of roses. For many years now, I have received roses. Many women receive flowers, it is considered a tradition, customary, an occasion for every day. But each time I get a bouquet, a sense of sadness and momentary reflection comes over me. Roses have come for delightful and happy occasions, but also extremely sad and devastating ones. And at times, these moments were almost experienced simultaneously. As years go by, roses come and go. Roses blend our lives.
In April this year, I photographically captured roses that, to me, offered a sense of eternity, beauty, but also fragility, an ephemeral presence. The roses lasted many days, more so than on any other occasion. And as they started to wither, their colour became even more beautiful. And the roses reminded me of my infant son and mum, both gone now, many years in-between. I think of them every day and wished to record that moment. Coloured petals, fading. Fragile, a light burning.
My somber heart lit up (2022) - multi media, photographic print on acetate - displayed in a light box
Remember this too (2022) - photographic print on card
I never promised you a rose garden (2022) - multimedia, photographic print on acetate.